Combat Veterans International, proudly ride in honor and respect of all Prisoners Of War, Missing In Action, and those brothers and sisters who were killed in combat supporting our country, in past, present and future
military actions Our mission shall be: To support all Veterans, especially Combat Veterans. to the best of our ability, regardless of race, religion, age, sex or country of origin. To fit into the areas where we live: As a
non-confrontational / non-territorial motorcycle organization, showing respect for all human kind. Combat Veterans motorcycle Organization is: Open to all verified Combat Veterans that meet specific criteria, and successfully complete a probationary period.
At Sarge's Place we are committed to the needs of the Veterans of the West-End of Clallam and Jefferson Counties. This is our mssion Statement: To build a broad-based and diverse non-profit network in Clallam and Jefferson Counties to promote the development and preservation of housing affordable for qualified low-income Veterans, without regard to race, color, sex, religion, familial status, disability, national origin or marital status. That being said we also work diligently to provide a One-Stop shop for Veteran medical, mental, and educational resources. We will also strive to foothold Natural Resource projects around the vicinity for Vets to gain experience for future employment and networking